Tag Archives: God’s Love

Your Best Life Found through Crazy Love
March 19, 2013Do you believe you could find your best life now through radical, crazy love? If so, keep reading…
In the last year I went through a lion share of this book in a men’s group that I was in: Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. It was the second book I read by the author, and it was as phenomenal as was his other work. I’ve had the privilege of seeing him speak as well and see that he is a very gifted and anointed man of God.
What Love Really Is!
February 12, 2010The Most Powerful Element of the World
August 16, 2009– We wake up each day full of our plans and goals for the day,
– May times too consumed to realize the beauty lost,
– In the simplest forms of heart-felt emotion,
– That we failed to release through expressive living,
– Far too many of us believe that tomorrow is the day,
– The day in which we will be caught up better,
– One that will allow us to show others love,
– I truly believe a life well lived is a culmination of many individual days focused on the fullness of showing love,