Tag Archives: God’s Love

Your Best Life Found through Crazy Love

Do you believe you could find your best life now through radical, crazy love? If so, keep reading…

In the last year I went through a lion share of this book in a men’s group that I was in: Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. It was the second book I read by the author, and it was as phenomenal as was his other work. I’ve had the privilege of seeing him speak as well and see that he is a very gifted and anointed man of God.
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The Most Powerful Element of the World

– We wake up each day full of our plans and goals for the day,


– May times too consumed to realize the beauty lost,

– In the simplest forms of heart-felt emotion,

– That we failed to release through expressive living,

– Far too many of us believe that tomorrow is the day,

– The day in which we will be caught up better,

– One that will allow us to show others love,

– I truly believe a life well lived is a culmination of many individual days focused on the fullness of showing love,
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