daily living, daily core life principals, living a life of purpose each day

The Power of Your Daily Core!

daily living, daily core life principals, living a life of purpose each day

Life has way of becoming overwhelming doesn’t it? I have found a way to simplify life that I would like to share today. In today’s complex, fast paced world, you really need to be intentional more than ever about how you live I find.

I truly believe most people have a short list of things that they would love to see incorporated into and maintained within their daily lives. These things would come from their mouths to speak of the great importance they have intellectually within their mind. However, the true value that the person places on each item is shown in stark comparison by the reality of their actions that stem from the depths of their heart.
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hedgehog concept, good to great, good to great the book, hedgehog

A Link Between a HedgeHog & Company Differentiation!

hedgehog concept, good to great, good to great the book, hedgehog

Do you seek new ways to differentiate your company in a changing economy while focusing on what your team is deeply passionate about? If so, this article is for you!

You might be thinking, so what the heck is that furry little animal in this article for? If you know about hedge hogs then perhaps you are wandering what they have to do with your business and career?

My goal is in this post is to help you in two areas:

1.     How to better differentiate your company

2.     How to build your company’s Hedgehog Concept if you haven’t done so already.
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A body of power, the body of christ, ski trip out west, spiritual journey in rocky mountains, annual ski trip

A Body of Power!

ski trip out west, spiritual journey in rocky mountains, annual ski trip

Travel has always been for me one of the greatest blessings in life. I am so very thankful for the opportunity, relationships and amazing experiences God has provided to me during my travels.

I have been recently reminded on several occasions about how God’s love and family truly functions this side of heaven. I ventured to the mountains in Utah with my dear friends, Steve and Michael for our annual ski trip to a new destination. This year we began our journey by visiting with two of Michael’s friends in Eden, Utah – Doug and Katie. I remember as I approached them outside their house for the very first time, that one word resonated within my heart and spirit – “peace”.
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gods promises, promises from God

When You Need a Promise in Life…

gods promises, promises from God

Let’s face it…life is tough! We all feel powerful emotions at times that can grip us in ways that can consume us (including our thoughts).

We can feel guilty, dejected, despair, disappointment, depressed, attacked, anxious, full of longing, sick, impatient,, confused, tempted, weak and afraid to name a few. So many times in life we are in great need emotionally, physically, and mentally.
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stage 2 you, your next steps in life, your next path in life, your next season in life

The Stage 2 You Story: “Is Your Future Always Brighter Than Your Past?”

stage 2 you, your next steps in life, your next phase in life, your next season in life

Do you like to create new year’s resolutions? Do you  feel stuck in a rut or in transition in your business, career or life? If so, this article is for you!

Much like the woman at the end of the bridge in this image, the sky is the limit to where God could take you, if you have a willing heart. Today, I want to talk about the concept of re-inventing yourself and evolving in life with newfound passion and excitement based on a determination to grow. We’ll explore how you can do so, in part, by responding to change or adversity in your world with the right attitude and behavior. If you commit yourself to applying the concepts and actions found below, you will see your life and your career significantly altered, with a greater sense of significance and meaning.
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creating resolutions towards your destiny, new years resolutions planning

Creating Resolutions Towards Your Destiny

Creating resolutions towards reaching your destiny, new years resolutions

Are you one that likes to create resolutions each new year you face? Like many people, I do look forward to the start of a new year because it is full of new opportunity to grow in many areas of life. Many people either talk about or create new year’s resolutions.

That doesn’t mean people actually stick to them though! In reality creating resolutions to progress, change and grow in life are a great idea to do any time of the year. However, the goal for this article is not to convince you to make new year’s resolutions if you haven’t resolved to that. My purpose today is to present some sources of collective wisdom for those that want to create resolutions that help them strive towards their destiny in life. If you care to join me, then keep reading as I share some practical insights on how you can do just that!
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