Good Tidings & Great Joy
December 22, 2014“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” LUKE 2:10
The “reason for the season” is much much more than a fairy tale or, as Karl puts it nicely, [see below] a “feel good tradition.” This is the greatest love story that has ever been told. It’s timeless and hopeful. It’s the best news out there and it’s not exclusive. It doesn’t discriminate or keep a tally of past offenses, it doesn’t look to impose it’s will or prove that it’s right. This ‘thing’ that we as Christians rally around every December is actually a person. It’s Jesus, or Emmanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’ He reunited us with our Creator and made us clean in His sight. The prospect of being righteous and holy in the eyes of our Father is now a reality if we choose to make it real in our lives.
If you haven’t already, take a step of faith this Christmas and seek to know Him who was crucified. Not just to have knowledge about Him, but to actually know Him, to be accustomed to His ways. If you’ve never invited Him into your life please consider doing so in your own words. If the time is right and you’re ready for freedom, ask that He forgive you of your sins and to take over the reins of your life.
If you have particular questions about Christmas or Christ, we’d be happy to talk to you. Just Email us!
Below we’ve compiled a few thoughts from each of our team members on what Christmas means to us. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Joe D.
“My amazement for the power of the gospel is always renewed at Christmas.The God of the universe could have come to save mankind in a golden chariot, robed in fine linens, but He elected to be born from an ordinary woman’s womb, in a rickety stable, into a world that would not receive Him.”
Joe S.
“Christmas to me essentially means that it is a time to celebrate true love for people and to cherish the things that mean most in life. I value the additional time off each year to reflect on the year, look to the new year, recharge and spend time with loved ones more than any gift giving or receiving that the world would tend to focus on. For me it is a time of embracing family and friends unconditionally, and honoring the Creator of true love, by honoring the most selfless life ever lived for God’s glory, our Lord, Jesus Christ!”
“It hasn’t always been this way, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve tried to approach Christmas with the attitude of “what can I give?” NOT “what can I get?” God sent Christ to this world to show us His love; so I want to follow His example by showing people I know AND people I don’t know how much I love and care for them. Christmas for me is about enlarging my tent and allowing Christ’s love to show through my attitude, quality time, and giving.”
“Nearly every year I say “Bah Humbug!,” not because I’m a Christmas scrooge but because what was intended to commemorate Christ’s birth has become something different in our society. My challenge has always been finding Christ in Christmas. My concern, among the hustle and bustle and distraction that accompanies this time of year, is that we’ve replaced Christ with “feel good” tradition. I am on a quest to find out this year and I invite you to join me… He’s there amidst all of the hustle and bustle. He is always there, always ready to connect with us. So how are you going to connect with Christ this Christmas?”
“At Christmas, our joy is most evident as a twinkling light in a dark world, and our peace strength for the weak and weary. Please keep CHRIST and His Spirit in your heart and not just in CHRISTmas.”
“This Christmas I’m particularly struck by the fact that God loves using ordinary people to do extraordinary things. The Kingdom of Heaven came to ordinary people. Think about the cast of characters. Not exactly your “rock stars” of the day. Zechariah and Elizabeth, the future parents of the greatest prophet that ever lived according to Jesus; a pretty ordinary couple. An aging carpenter and his young, soon to be wife, reluctantly. Shepherds, an innkeeper. Just like us. If it were me I’d have made a pretty big noise introducing the Savior of the world. Nope, not our God. The God who represents the ordinary.”
“Christmas is a time to remember Christ’s coming to earth and to share that love with those most important to you. In doing so, I am always excited to spend time with the members of my family that live far away during the Christmas season, even if it’s only for a short while.“
With good tidings and great joy,